Sunday, June 13, 2010

Moment of Clarity

Had a few minutes on my hands so I thought I'd update my blog. So things are going pretty well, new job seems pretty cool. It kinda of reminds me of a mini high school, where everyone had their cliques and little groups and the rumor mill is constantly turning. The difference is now I know how to adapt to the silliness of it all. I've met some pretty cool people who i often hang out with, I was blessed to come in contact with some pretty like minded people who are all individuals.

I am still so happy i decided to move and don't regret my decision for one minute. Although there are some things I do miss the trade off is far greater.


These past couple of months have taught me that happiness is found within. No matter how many things you may have or how many people you surround yourself with if you are not truly happy within yourself none of those things will ever make you happy. I have found joy in the quiet stillness when i first wake up in the morning. I take that time to thank the creator for allowing me to be among the living once again and blessing me with not only all that I need but most of what I want. I have found joy in the laughter of my five year old cousin who makes my morning every day by telling me he loves me just because. I find happiness in liking me. The person I've become and the woman I've grown to be.

So often we spend so much time and energy on external things that we think will make us happy that we miss the big picture and most importantly lose sight of ourselves. I have found her and i love, love, love her. I have come to find strength in my flaws and to understand they are what make me the amazing woman i am. I was listening to a song by Lyfe Jennings the other day called "Statistics" and there was one particular line in the song that hit home with me: Be the person you want to attract. It was like a light bulb had gone off in my head and everything just made so much more sense. Even though he was using it in the context of attracting the opposite sex, i find it rings true for relationships overall. If you practice your core values and principals then that is what and who you wil become and eventually who you will attract.

So that is what I am practicing being the person I want to attract: in Love, Life and Relationships overall. I am excited for this journey of self discovery and I am glad that I have the few people i have along for the ride. I have been blessed with an amazing circle of people who support, challenge, uphold and take care of me. I often refer to them as teamAlti because that's what i feel like we are and i would not be where i am without them. So once again this is my written journal to remind me that there are good times and there will be even better times even when the night is at it's darkest point the light will always come and dispel the darkness.

Dum spiro, spero: "While I breathe I hope"-Latin proverb

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